
I think about ripples a lot.
“Even the smallest act of caring for another person is like a drop of water, it will make ripples throughout the entire pond.” – Bryan Matteo
The work we do at The Well Life Foundation isn’t just about providing scholarships…it’s about what those students then go on to do in the world.
Students like Kathryn:
“Life coaching has been something that I’ve been interested in for quite some time. The idea of creating and sharing space with someone, of helping someone to heal themselves while healing myself, and opening up the possibility of healing the world at large are the ideas that drew me to coaching. However, other programs didn’t touch on any of these. I was resigned to learning as much as I could on my own and cobbling something together myself….I also cannot thank the Well Life Foundation enough for even offering scholarships. The dedication to put this in the hands of as many people as possible is awe inspiring. Yes, it takes money to make this happen, but it is obvious that the foundation cares about helping people, not profiting by throwing out any old coaching program….When I finish this program, I hope to take the Illuminator program. Even before that, I intend to use my skills to help other women of color to realize and to stand firm in their place in the world, in the universe….This program will allow me to do that.”
— Kathryn, Dragontree Life Coaching Scholar
Our work begins with Kathryn, but it doesn’t end there. It continues on, like ripples in a pond, spreading peace from person to person. But we can’t do it alone! Your donation today provides scholarships to more students just like Kathryn – women who want to bring light and love and change to their communities and the world.
A donation of $400 provides a full Dragontree Life Coaching scholarship to a student in need.
A donation of $600 provides a full tuition waiver to Illuminator training.
A donation of $1500 covers travel expenses for a student in need to Boulder, CO for in-person training.
And ANY size donation provides these beautiful human beings with the training they need to make a difference in their lives, in their communities, and in the world.
“Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean.” — Ryunosuke Satoro
Donate today at to start changing lives.