Dragontree Life Coaching Scholarships

The Well Life Foundation provides scholarships to Dragontree Life Coaching and Illuminator training for low-income women committed to building a career in life coaching or a related field. 
Scholarships may be awarded for:
  • Tuition waiver to Dragontree Life Coach training
  • Tuition waiver to Dragontree Illuminator training
  • Travel expenses to Illuminator training

Current Funding Cycle

Applications open November 18
Applications due January 28
Awardees notified in February
Dragontree Life Coaching Training Begins March 9, 2020. Illuminator training will be held in September 2020.



Applicants must meet the following eligibility guidelines:
  • Significantly female-identified.
  • Low income, defined as 250% of the federal poverty guideline (we use this guide), OR able to demonstrate financial need despite income above this threshold.
  • Committed to completing all coursework in a timely manner.
  • Committed to pursuing a career in life coaching or a related field.
Anyone meeting these guidelines is welcome to apply for the Dragontree Life Coaching Scholarship.
To apply for the Illuminator scholarship or Illuminator travel grant, you must also be a graduated Dragontree Life Coach in good standing by Jan 1.

To Apply

Click here to download the Dragontree Scholarship Application & Instructions

Frequently Asked Questions

What does the scholarship provide?

There are three possible scholarship types:
  1. Tuition waiver to Dragontree Life Coaching training. 
    The next cohort begins in March 2020 and runs through August 2020. If you are selected for a scholarship, your tuition for the course will be paid directly to The Dragontree. You will receive all the same benefits and bonuses for your enrollment as every other Dragontree Life Coaching student.
  2. Tuition waiver to Dragontree Illuminator training. 
    Current graduates of Dragontree Life Coaching who meet other eligibility guidelines are welcome to apply for scholarships to attend advanced in-person Illuminator training in Boulder, CO. The next training event will be held September 2020, and space is reserved for scholarship students. If you are selected for this scholarship, your tuition and fees will be paid directly to The Dragontree for the event. All other expenses for the event, including travel, lodging, transportation, and meals outside of those provided during training, must be covered by the trainee unless you also apply for and receive a travel grant.
  3. Travel grant to attend Dragontree Illuminator training in Boulder, CO.
    A limited number of travel grants will be made to assist with travel to in-person Illuminator training in Boulder, CO. You may apply for this scholarship in conjunction with the Illuminator training scholarship, or separately, depending on your needs. Whenever possible, covered travel expenses will be paid directly to travel vendors. If you are applying for both an Illuminator scholarship AND a travel grant, please indicate on your application if you cannot attend training if you only receive one type of scholarship.

What is Dragontree Life Coaching?

Dragontree Life Coaching is a training program for life coaches developed by The Dragontree. For more information visit coaching.thedragontree.com.

What do I do if I am selected for a scholarship?

If you are selected for a scholarship, you’ll be sent award terms to review and sign before your scholarship takes effect. You can view the award terms here.
Once your cohort begins, complete the coursework as usual. Upon graduation from the program, you will need to submit a final report summarizing your experience.
If your plans or timeline for completing the course change for any reason, you must contact The Well Life Foundation to discuss options. Failure to do so may result in revocation of all or part of your award, or ineligibility for future funding.

My household income is more than 250% of the poverty guideline, but I have extenuating circumstances. May I still apply?

Yes! We recognize that there are many circumstances that make household income an incomplete picture of one’s ability to pay for training. If your income is above the guidelines, you may apply and complete the waiver statement. In that statement, you must clearly explain why you are unable to pay for training.

I didn’t get selected for a scholarship. Can I find out why?

No. Deliberations of the Scholarship committee are confidential. Please note that we get many, many applications, and only have a limited number of funds for each cohort. Therefore, not every worthy applicant will receive a scholarship. We recommend trying again in another cycle.

You are donating to : The Well Life Foundation

How much would you like to donate?
$10 $25 $100
Would you like to make regular donations? I would like to make donation(s)
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